I am an experienced trainer, educator and public speaker. I have been a frequent presenter and lecturer to the community, both domestically and abroad at conferences and I design and deliver trainings to professionals. I have been interviewed by the media on numerous occasions about problem technology use and gambling addiction. I offer customized trainings for the general public and professionals regarding addiction and mental health.
Community Presentations
I have presented to public and private schools across the GTA and to various addiction and mental health agencies.
I have presented and participated on panels at conferences as well as at hospital rounds including:
- 1st International Conference on Behavioural Addictions
- 6th Conference on Recent Advances in the Prevention and Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity
- Children’s Mental Health Ontario
- Problem Gambling Institute of Ontario forum
- Addictions and Mental Health Ontario
- Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers Annual Meeting and Education Day
- Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
- Parents as Partners
- CAMH Education Day
- CAMH and Mount Sinai rounds
I have provided training on addictions at the University of Toronto and Wilfred Laurier and as a guest lecturer at Ryerson University.
Other training topics provided to professionals across Ontario:
- Problem Technology Use
- Problem Gambling
- Hypersexuality
- Overspending/shopping
If you are interested in a presentation or a customized training, please contact me. Rates vary depending on the scope of the request.